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Filmovi na, stranica 5654

  • Journey Together

    Journey Together (1945)

    drama, ratni

    British propaganda film from WWII stressing the importance of the navigator on RAF's bomber crews.
  • Kashchey bessmertnyy

    Kashchey bessmertnyy (1945)

    akcija, ljubavni, fantazija, avantura

    Ova epska bajka snimljena je tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Ruski ratnik Nikita Kožemjaka i Bulat Balagur spašavaju rusku zemlju od neprijateljskih hordi Košćeja Besmrtnog i oslobađaju lijepu Marju...
  • Keep Your Powder Dry

    Keep Your Powder Dry (1945)

    drama, ratni

    A disparate group of women try to adjust to their new lives after enlisting in the Womens Army Corps.
  • Kolberg

    Kolberg (1945)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance...
  • Lady on a Train

    Lady on a Train (1945)

    kriminalistički, misterij, ljubavni, triler, film noir

    While waiting at a train station, Nikki Collins witnesses a murder from a nearby building. When she brings the police to the scene of the crime, they think she's crazy since there's no body. She then...
  • Leave Her to Heaven

    Leave Her to Heaven (1945)

    drama, ljubavni, triler, film noir

    Dok poslije odslužene dvogodišnje kazne izlazi iz zatvora, novinar Richard Harland (C. Wilde) na putu kući prisjeća se prošlosti. Prije nekoliko godina upoznao je privlačnu i otmjenu Ellen Brent (G...
  • Les caves du Majestic

    Les caves du Majestic (1945)

    drama, kriminalistički

    A murder has been committed in the basement of the Grand Hotel Majestic. Ms Petersen's body was indeed discovered in the staff locker rooms by a kitchen employee. Commissioner Maigret and Inspector...
  • Les dames du Bois de Boulogne

    Les dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945)

    drama, ljubavni

    Modernizirana obrada Diderotova djela "Jacques fatalist"; kad Helenin ljubavnik Jean počne gubiti interes za nju, ona mu se osvećuje prijevarom, a rezultat je Jeanova ženidba bivšom prostitutkom...
  • Les enfants du paradis

    Les enfants du paradis (1945)

    drama, ljubavni

    Garance je kurtizana oko koje se isprepleću niti rekonstrukcijske priče iz života kazališta XIX stoljeća. Iako oženjen, pantomimičar Baptise je zaljubljen u Garance. Postoje naznake da bi ljubav u...
  • Love Letters

    Love Letters (1945)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

    When a man asks another man more facile with words to do his wooing for him, there are always complications. The man with no talent for writing marries the girl, confesses one night he didn't write...
  • Madonna of the Seven Moons

    Madonna of the Seven Moons (1945)

    drama, misterij

    In the early part of this century, Maddelena a teenage Italian girl, is attacked whilst walking in the woods. The attack leaves her mentally scarred and our story flashes forward to the 1940s where...
  • March of Progress

    March of Progress (1945)

    kratki, dokumentarni

