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Filmovi na, stranica 5792

  • The Maltese Falcon

    The Maltese Falcon (1941)

    misterij, film noir

    Godine 1539. malteški su vitezovi namjeravali pokloniti španjolskom kralju Karlu V. statuetu zlatnog sokola ukrašenog rijetkim draguljima. No, gusari su presreli galiju te je Malteški sokol, čini se...
  • The Masked Rider

    The Masked Rider (1941)


    The beautiful owner of a silver mine in Mexico asks an employee for help when bandits keep robbing her shipments.'
  • The Mechanical Monsters

    The Mechanical Monsters (1941)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, akcija, fantazija, znanstvena fantastika, avantura

    Udarna vest o tome kako su mehanički roboti poharali banku predstavlja samo početak niza pljački koje se događaju u Metropolisu. Lois u želji da istraži priču i primenjuje svoje "neuobičajene" metode.
  • The Men in Her Life

    The Men in Her Life (1941)

    drama, ljubavni, glazba

    A circus performer becomes a ballerina and then begins her life of a career versus marriage and a home-life. She marries her first husband, her mentor and instructor, primarily out of gratitude...
  • The Monster and the Girl

    The Monster and the Girl (1941)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, horor

    Scot Webster tries to save his sister Susan from the clutches of gangster W.S. Bruhl. When Scot comes to Bruhl's rented room, one of the gangster's henchmen collapses into his hands, killed by a...
  • The Reluctant Dragon

    The Reluctant Dragon (1941)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija

    Narod u selu uznemiren dolaskom aždaje u njihove krajeve, znatiželjan dečak, zaljubljenik u zmajeve i aždaje, odlučuje da se sam u uveri u to. Ali umesto da vidi strašnu, opasnu aždaju, on nailazi na...
  • The Reluctant Dragon

    The Reluctant Dragon (1941)

    animirani, obiteljski, komedija

    Humorist Robert Benchley attempts to find Walt Disney to ask him to adapt a short story about a gentle dragon who would rather recite poetry than be ferocious. Along the way, he is given a tour of...
  • The Sea Wolf

    The Sea Wolf (1941)

    drama, avantura

    Pisac Hamfri van Vejden i begunci od zakona Rut Vebster i Džordž Lič nalaze utočište na lovcu foka zvanom "Duh", čiji je kapetan okrutni Vulf Larsen. Ne želeći više da trpi njegov teror i...
  • The Shanghai Gesture

    The Shanghai Gesture (1941)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, ljubavni, film noir

    Šangaj ranih 40-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Kad od korumpiranog policajca Van Elsta (A. Basserman) dozna da utjecajnog britanskog tajkuna sir Guya Charterisa (W. Huston) više ni podmićivanjem ne može...
  • The Shepherd of the Hills

    The Shepherd of the Hills (1941)

    drama, ljubavni, avantura, western

    U planinama Ozark, Danijel Hauit, potpuni neznanac, pomaže nekolicini lokalaca koji su se susreli sa poteškoćama. Zahvalna na pomoći, Semi Lejn, jedna od stanovnika te oblasti, predlaže Danijelu...
  • The Strawberry Blonde

    The Strawberry Blonde (1941)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Biff Grimes is pugnacious but likable young man during the Gay 90's living with his ne'er-do-well father, noted for their scrappy personalities and quick tempers. Like every other young man in town...
  • The Tell-Tale Heart

    The Tell-Tale Heart (1941)

    kriminalistički, misterij, kratki, horor

    Adapted from the story by Edgar Allan Poe: A young man is being dominated, insulted, and mistreated by the older man whose lodgings he shares. Finally, one night he enters the older man's room and...

