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Serije na, stranica 902

  • A Perfect Spy

    A Perfect Spy (1987)


    Magnus Pym je nestao. Kreće potraga za suprugom, predanim ocem i dvostrukim agentom čiji je život sada već očito sastavljen od mnoštva tajni. Dvojica njegovih mentora dirigiraju potragom, kao što su...
  • Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel

    Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987)

    drama, obiteljski, ljubavni

    Pošto je uspela da se izbori za Dijaninu udaju, a odbila Gilberovu bračnu ponudu, En je prihvatila posao nastavnice na ženskom koledžu u Kingsportu. Odmah po dolasku u tu ekskluzivnu školu suočava se...
  • Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast (1987)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni, fantazija

    Ron Koslow's updated version of the fairytale has a double focus: the relationship between Vincent,(a mythic, noble man-beast) and Catherine (an asst DA in New York); and a secret Utopian society of...
  • Biography

    Biography (1987)

    biografski, dokumentarni

    Zanimljivosti iz života popularnih osoba.
  • Black Adder the Third

    Black Adder the Third (1987)


    During the Regency period, the insane King George III's stark raving mad son, George, is the Prince Regent of Wales. Vulgar and staggeringly slow-and-dim-witted, George exhausts the country's money...
  • Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

    Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (1987)

    akcija, znanstvena fantastika

    Zemlja, 22. vek. Završeni su Metalni ratovi. Vladaju roboti. Mala četa vojnika predvodi pobunu protiv zlog Lorda Dreada i njegovih monstruoznih stvorenja Bio-Dreadsa, dizajniranih tako da love i...
  • Crossbow

    Crossbow (1987)

    drama, akcija, avantura

    In Switzerland in the 14th Century, William Tell and his son Matthew are imprisoned by the tyrannical Gessler. Having split the apple on his son's head with his crossbow, much to Gessler's chagrin...
  • Der Landarzt

    Der Landarzt (1987)

    drama, ljubavni

    Doktor Jan Bergmann, 33-godišnji naočiti liječnik, svoje zvanje shvaća kao poziv. Stručan, savjestan, suosjećajan i susretljiv, ubrzo stječe povjerenje i simpatije stanovnika svojeg novog...
  • DuckTales

    DuckTales (1987)

    animirani, obiteljski, komedija, avantura

    When Donald Duck decides to join the Navy, he leaves his nephews, Hewey, Dewey and Louie, in the care of his cantankerous Uncle Scrooge. He is an eccentric and miserly billionare who loves to...
  • Echoes in the Darkness

    Echoes in the Darkness (1987)


    Zasnovan na istinitoj životnoj priči koja se dogodila 1979. godine, ovaj film prati slučaj ubistva Suzan Reinert (Stockard Channing) i njeno dvoje djece u Upper Merion Townshipu u Pensilvaniji...
  • Filthy Rich & Catflap

    Filthy Rich & Catflap (1987)


    Richie (Rik Mayall) is a former actor who has only one ambition - to be famous. He believes that everyone knows who he is and often has a paranoid feeling that people are out to get him. He lives...
  • Friday the 13th: The Series

    Friday the 13th: The Series (1987)


    U centru priče su Ryan Dallion i njegova sestrična Micki Foster, koji su zajedno naslijedili trgovinu antikvitetima. Nakon što saznaju da je njihov ujak sklopio pakt s Vragom o prodaji ukletih...
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