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Serije na, stranica 909

  • Episode #1.2

    Episode #1.2 (1985)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    To distract Orry, whose brooding about Madeline wrecks his West Point performance, George drags him to Alice Peet for laundry and 'intimate' services. After Bent arranges for Fisk to be thrown off...
  • Episode #1.3

    Episode #1.3 (1985)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    1848, Orry plucks run-away slave Priam from the train Madelin suggested to flee on, George uses their friendship to let him escape. Three weeks later, Orry is best man when George weds Constance in...
  • Episode #1.4

    Episode #1.4 (1985)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    In 1854, the Hazards pay a visit to Mont Royal. Billy loses his interest in Ashton when he sees her in the cotton barn with another man and soon turns his interest to the demure Brett. Virgilia is on...
  • Episode #1.5

    Episode #1.5 (1985)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    Having locked Madeline in her room and nearly starving her to death, Justin convinces the doctor that her condition is self-inflicted. The doctor prescribes his own tonic and a daily dose of laudanum...
  • Episode #1.6

    Episode #1.6 (1985)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, ratni

    With Abe Lincoln's election as President, secessionist feelings are running high. George Hazard pays a surprise visit to Orry at Mont Royal to apologize for what his fanatical sister said on his last...
  • Episode dated 15 April 1985

    Episode dated 15 April 1985 (1985)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

  • Episode dated 28 October 1985

    Episode dated 28 October 1985 (1985)

    talk show, vijesti

    In the first of a two-part interview Liza Minnelli talks to Gene Shalit about her TV film "A Time to Live."
  • Episode dated 30 January 1985

    Episode dated 30 January 1985 (1985)

    komedija, glazba, talk show

  • Ewoks

    Ewoks (1985)

    animirani, obiteljski, avantura

    A stand-alone collection of stories, Star Wars Ewoks focuses on the fur-balls from Return of the Jedi and their many misadventures into the unknown, the magical and downright absurd. So is the life...
  • Gostya iz budushchego

    Gostya iz budushchego (1985)

    obiteljski, znanstvena fantastika, avantura

    Učenik 6. razreda Kolja Gerasimov otkriva vremeplov u podrumu stare kuće u Moskvi i odlazi u 21. vek. Tamo slučajno, Kolya svedoči da dva svemirska gusara dolaze sa Saturna i kasnije pokušavaju da...
  • Grande Sertão: Veredas

    Grande Sertão: Veredas (1985)


    Kauboj pripoveda o svom odmetničkom životu i sukobima, osvetama, ljubavima i smrti, kroz godine koje je putovao centralno-istočnim Brazilom, u prvim decenijama 20. veka, dok su savezne trupe bile u...
  • Growing Pains

    Growing Pains (1985)

    obiteljski, komedija

    It's hard enough to raise a kid nowadays but when you have to cope with THESE kids, things tend to get out of hand! Dr Seaver, a psychologist and his wife Maggie Seaver, a journalist, try to do their...
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