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Filmovi na, stranica 5700

  • Colorado Territory

    Colorado Territory (1949)


    Outlaw Wes McQueen is sprung from jail to help pull one last railroad job. He doesn't like his new partners - except dance-hall girl Colorado - and anyway fancies Julie Ann newly arrived from the...
  • Conspirator

    Conspirator (1949)

    drama, triler

    Poslijeratni London. Mlada Amerikanka Melinda (E. Taylor), upravo pristigla u velegrad, naivna je i neiskusna, i zaljubi se u zgodnog, no vidno osamljenog engleskog majora Michaela Curragha (R...
  • Cover Up

    Cover Up (1949)

    misterij, film noir

    Istražitelj osiguravajuće kuće odlazi u malen grad da istraži slučaj navodnog samoubojstva. Stanovnici nerado surađuju i počnu se ponašati neprijateljski zbog čega on posumnja u to da se dogodio...
  • Criss Cross

    Criss Cross (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Steve Thompson (B. Lancaster) viđa se potajno sa bivšom ženom Anom (Y. De Carlo) u koju je još uvijek zaljubljen. Ona je sada u braku s moćnim gangsterom Slimom Dundeejem (D. Duryea) koji je upravo...
  • D.O.A.

    D.O.A. (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler, film noir

    Računovođa iz malog grada, Frank Bigelow, odlazi u San Francisco na zadnji tjedan zabave prije nego se skrasi sa zaručnicom Paulom. Nakon lude noći u gradu probudi se mamuran, ali to nije njegov...
  • Daffy Duck Hunt

    Daffy Duck Hunt (1949)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija

    Porky Pig goes to a marsh on a hunting expedition, accompanied by his dog (who resembles the barnyard dog from the Foghorn Leghorn series), and they bring home a live Daffy Duck. They put Daffy into...
  • Daleká cesta

    Daleká cesta (1949)

    drama, triler, ratni

    The terrible effect of the Nazis upon a single Jewish family provides the basis for this drama. The family cannot handle the strain and gradually breaks up. Interspliced within the film are newsreel...
  • Daughter of the Jungle

    Daughter of the Jungle (1949)


    An airplane, carrying policeman and gangsters, crash-lands in a jungle, where they discover a white girl and her father, lost twelve years previously in another plane crash. The father and daughter...
  • Daughter of the West

    Daughter of the West (1949)


    Lolita Moreno leaves the Mission San Juan Capistrano, where she has been raised by the Sisters and Father Vallejo under a mystery surrounding her family and goes to the Navajo Indian Reservation in...
  • Deputy Marshal

    Deputy Marshal (1949)


    A Deputy Marshal tracks fugitive bank robbers to Wyoming, and then fights to help ranchers save their land from a railroad land scheme.
  • Diamond City

    Diamond City (1949)

    drama, avantura

    Set in the diamond fields of South Africa, Stafford Parker is a lawman trying to maintain a semblance of law and order in the "Wild South".
  • Døden er et kjærtegn

    Døden er et kjærtegn (1949)

    drama, ljubavni

    The story of a working man who has a gorgeous fiancee but she falls for a rich older woman - who turns out to be a femme fatale.

