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Filmovi na, stranica 5701

  • Down Dakota Way

    Down Dakota Way (1949)


    Pokvareni poslovni čovjek pokušava prodati stoku zaraženu smrtonosnom slinavkom i šapom. Zato ubije mjesnog veterinara kako bi prikrio svoj plan...
  • East Side, West Side

    East Side, West Side (1949)

    drama, ljubavni

    Brandon and Jessie Bourne have a long, apparently happy marriage. Several years earlier Brandon had had an affair with a younger woman, Isabel Lorrison, who's now returned to New York intending to...
  • Easy Living

    Easy Living (1949)

    drama, sportski

    Pete Wilson is on top. He is the highest paid professional football player in the league. He has seen other players come and go, but he was MVP last year and the future looks rosy. His wife, Liza, is...
  • Edward, My Son

    Edward, My Son (1949)


    Arnold Boult is determined to make his son a success at all costs. He commits arson, causes two suicides, and bribes people. His wife, unable to leave him, becomes alcoholic and dies. His son is...
  • El gran calavera

    El gran calavera (1949)


    Sredovječni Ramiro de la Mata (F. Soler) glava je brojne meksičke porodice, neodgovoran čovjek i hedonist pretjerano sklon alkoholu. Članovima njegove obitelji, kćeri Virginiji (R. Granados), sinu...
  • El mago

    El mago (1949)

    komedija, fantazija, avantura

    Pustolovna komedija o ljubavnim avanturama magičara Cantinflasa...
  • Entre onze heures et minuit

    Entre onze heures et minuit (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij

    A police detective with a striking resemblance for a murdered criminal impersonates the deceased to identify his murderer.
  • Eroica

    Eroica (1949)

    biografski, drama, glazba

    Eroica is an Austrian film from 1949 illustrating the life and work of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • Fabiola

    Fabiola (1949)

    drama, povijesni

    In ancient Rome a love story blossoms between Fabiola, daughter of a senator, and Rhual, a gallic gladiator. When Fabiola's father is killed, the Romans blame the Christians and the persecution...
  • Fängelse

    Fängelse (1949)


    Filmskom redatelju (H. Ekman) dolazi njegov bivši profesor matematike s idejom za film koji će prikazati zemlju u rukama đavla. On odbije takvu ideju, međutim, događaji iz života njegovog prijatelja...
  • Farm Foolery

    Farm Foolery (1949)

    animirani, kratki, glazba

    Životinje na farmi pripremaju hranu za zimsko doba...
  • Fast and Furry-ous

    Fast and Furry-ous (1949)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija

    In their first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, the Coyote (Carnivorous vulgaris) and The Road Runner (Accelerati incredibulis) launch their neverending series of chases through the desert, and...

