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Filmovi na, stranica 5703

  • High Diving Hare

    High Diving Hare (1949)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija, western

    Duško radi kao konferansije u vodljivljskoj predstavi, međutim kada jedan og glavnih izvođača Neustrašivi Frip bude sprečen da dođe to izaziva negodovanje kod negovog najvećeg obožavaoca Sema tj...
  • Holiday Affair

    Holiday Affair (1949)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, really a commercial spy. He unmasks her but lets her go, which gets him fired. They end up on a...
  • Home of the Brave

    Home of the Brave (1949)

    drama, ratni

    During WW2, a reconnaissance platoon is sent to map out a Japanese-held island but racial tensions arise between the white soldiers and the only black member of the group.
  • House of Strangers

    House of Strangers (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Nakon sedam godina provedenih u zatvoru i burnih događaja iz prošlosti Max Monetti (R. Conte) vraća se svojoj braći Joeu (L. Adler), Pietru (P. Valentine) i Tonyju (E. Zimbalist, Jr.), vlasnicima...
  • I pirati di Capri

    I pirati di Capri (1949)

    drama, akcija, avantura

    A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples in 1799. The Queen is advised of...
  • I Shot Jesse James

    I Shot Jesse James (1949)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, western

    Western koji govori o propasti muškarca koji je zbog ljubavi prema ženi kukavički izdao i ubio prijatelja, jednog od tada najtraženijeg pljačkaša banaka -Jesse Jamesa. Story of Bob Ford...
  • I Was a Male War Bride

    I Was a Male War Bride (1949)

    komedija, ljubavni, ratni

    Kapetan Henri Rochard (C. Grant), zapovjednik francuske vojske, i američka poručnica Catherine Gates (A. Sheridan) kreću zajedno u misiju zaustavljanja visokoga njemačkoga znanstvenika u...
  • Il mulino del Po

    Il mulino del Po (1949)

    drama, povijesni

    Radnja filma smještena je potkraj 19. stoljeća u dolinu rijeke Po, a priča započinje proslavom zaruka Berte, djevojke iz mlinarske obitelji Scacerni. Njezinu sretnu budućnost sa zaručnikom...
  • Impact

    Impact (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    A unfaithful wife plots with her lover to kill her husband, but the lover is accidentally killed instead. The husband stays in hiding, and lets his wife be charged with conspiracy.
  • In nome della legge

    In nome della legge (1949)

    drama, kriminalistički

    A mule cart crosses the countryside. Two bandits push the driver off and, when he resists, kill him. The bandits steal the mules... The town of Capodarso, Sicily. The Baron doesn't want help from...
  • In the Good Old Summertime

    In the Good Old Summertime (1949)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazbeni

    It's turn of the century America when Andrew and Veronica first meet - by crashing into each other. They develop an instant and mutual dislike which intensifies when, later on, Andrew is forced to...
  • Intruder in the Dust

    Intruder in the Dust (1949)


    Rural Mississippi in the 1940s: Lucas Beauchamp, a local black man with a reputation of not kowtowing to whites, is found standing over the body of a dead white man, holding a pistol that has...

