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Filmovi na, stranica 586

  • Watch the Sound with Mark Ronson

    Watch the Sound with Mark Ronson (2021)

    glazba, dokumentarni

    This documentary follows Mark Ronson as he tells the untold stories behind music creation and the lengths producers and creators are willing to go to find the perfect sound. Speaking with Ronson...
  • Way Down

    Way Down (2021)

    akcija, triler, avantura

    Apsolutno neprobojna banka. Banka koju niko nikada nije mogao opljačkati. Nema nacrta. Nema mapa. Nema podataka o inženjerskom sistemu trezora. To je apsolutna misterija. Uz to, šef obezbeđenja...
  • We Are Living Things

    We Are Living Things (2021)


    Film prati dvoje nedokumentiranih stanovnika koji nakon slučajnog susreta otkriju da su oboje u potrazi za inteligentnim životom u svemiru. Solomon (Jorge Antonio Guerrero) živi u stražnjem dijelu...
  • We Broke Up

    We Broke Up (2021)

    drama, komedija

    Lori i Doug zajedno su 10 godina. Ali kada Lori loše reagira na Dougovu iznenađujuću prosidbu neposredno prije vjenčanja njezine male sestre, on je ostavi. Ne želeći privući pozornost na sebe, Doug i...
  • We Couldn't Become Adults

    We Couldn't Become Adults (2021)

    drama, ljubavni

    Potaknut prijateljevom molbom, neodgovorni četrdesetineštogodišnjak prisjeća se prošlih odnosa od devedesetih naovamo, tražeći nestala nadanja i snove.
  • We Need to Do Something

    We Need to Do Something (2021)


    Nakon što Melissa i njena porodica potraže zaklon od oluje, postaju zarobljeni. Bez traga spasa, Melisa shvata da ona i njena devojka Ejmi možda imaju neke veze s užasima koji prete njenoj porodici.
  • We're All Going to the World's Fair

    We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021)

    drama, horor

    Alone in her attic bedroom, teenager Casey becomes immersed in an online role-playing horror game, wherein she begins to document the changes that may or may not be happening to her.
  • Weekenders

    Weekenders (2021)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    A scheduling mix-up at an Airbnb brings four twenty-somethings together, each navigating the open waters of where, how, and with whom they're supposed to be.
  • Welcome Matt

    Welcome Matt (2021)

    drama, komedija

    Matt, a well known writer and director, suffers a traumatic experience, that leads to him being deathly afraid to go outside. Therefore he decides to attempt to write, direct, and star in a feature...
  • Well Played, Crackers

    Well Played, Crackers (2021)


    Nervous about getting the COVID-19 vaccine, Michael Che seeks counsel in a Black barbershop.
  • Werewolves Within

    Werewolves Within (2021)

    komedija, horor

    Šumski čuvar Finn Wheeler oduševljen je svojim novim zadatkom: privremeno živi u mjestu Beaverfield, malom, šumovitom kutku u kojem upoznaje njegove živopisne stanovnike. Ubrzo shvaća da trenutak u...
  • Wesele

    Wesele (2021)


    The story of a WWII tragedy in a Polish village mixed with the story of a wedding taking place in the same place 100 years later. A bitter look at a xenophobic community that forgets its own history.
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