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Serije na, stranica 884

  • First Born

    First Born (1988)

    drama, znanstvena fantastika

    Edward Forester is a genetic researcher, intent on breeding primate hybrids. But his experiments take a strange turn when he succeeds in breeding a human/gorilla hybrid. He hides the results of the...
  • Freddy's Nightmares

    Freddy's Nightmares (1988)

    triler, horor

    Domaćin ove serije je svima poznati, zlokoban ubica iz serijala filmova "Strava u ulici Brestova", Fredi Kruger. U svakoj epizodi, on prezentuje priču o zlu i smrti u životima ljudi koji žive u...
  • Gardemariny, vperyod!

    Gardemariny, vperyod! (1988)

    povijesni, ljubavni, avantura

    Radnja ove četvorodelne serije dešava se u Carskoj Rusiji 1742. godine, za vreme vladavine carice Jelisavete I. Tri kadeta pomorske škole slučajno dođu u posed tajnog dnevnika ukradenog iz sefa...
  • Il segreto del Sahara

    Il segreto del Sahara (1988)


    Desmond Jordan is an archaeologist who found an old parchment in which, the history of the Talking Mountain that is guarded by the guardian of an ancient and sought-after treasure hidden somewhere in...
  • Jack the Ripper

    Jack the Ripper (1988)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, ljubavni, triler

    During the latter half of 1888, a notorious serial killer nicknamed Jack the Ripper terrorises the East End of London by murdering prostitutes in a terribly violent way. Public outrage follows. Chief...
  • Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth

    Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (1988)


    Mythologist Joseph Campbell presents his ideas about comparative mythology and the ongoing role of myth in human society.
  • La romana

    La romana (1988)


  • Les Français vus par

    Les Français vus par (1988)


    In 1988, the Figaro magazine asked to a few famous directors a series of short movies, to celebrate the 10 years of the revue. The thematic : The French seen by - The movies have been released for...
  • Mahabharat

    Mahabharat (1988)

    drama, ljubavni, ratni

    The epic story of the family feud between the noble Pandava princes and their scheming cousins, the Kaurava kings.
  • Midnight Caller

    Midnight Caller (1988)


    Jack Killian is an ex-cop in San Francisco. He quit the police force after accidentally shooting his partner. He was approached by Devon King, the manager of a local radio station, and accepted a job...
  • Mission: Impossible

    Mission: Impossible (1988)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija, triler, avantura

    Jim Phelps (Peter Graves) je 'glava' super tajne vladine agencije ("Impossible Mission Force") i često sa svojim timom odlazi na tajne misije vezane uz suzbijanje kriminala.
  • Monsters

    Monsters (1988)

    drama, komedija, fantazija, znanstvena fantastika, horor

    A horror anthology about a family of monsters watching a different horror story every week on their TV. Each tale is separate, often cautionary with occasional dark humor and irony and features...
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